Lehmann Publishing
Manuscripts and lectures about self-help, self-representation
of interests, alternatives and critics to psychiatry
Manuscripts in العربية
/ Česky / Dansk
/ Deutsch
/ English / Español
/ Français / Ελληνικά
/ Italiano / 日本語
/ Nederlands / Norsk
/ Polski / Português
/ Românesc
/ Русский
/ Slovenčina / Srpskohrvatski
/ Suomalainen / Svenska
/ Türkçe /
- Landesnetzwerk
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz (eds.): Information
sheets on neuroleptics in Arabic, English, French, German,
Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, and Turkish,
produced in collaboration with the Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik Andernach,
the Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey, the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster,
Aderhold and Peter Lehmann (2018)
Peter: Den kamuflerede galskab Om ensretning af mennesker
ved hjælp af neuroleptika. In: Karl
Bach Jensen, Erik Axel, Kirsten Dam et al. (eds.): Hjernemedicin
en bog om den giftige psykiatri, Copenhagen: Amalie
Galebevægelsens forlag 1988
Peter: Tyske haner. In Amalie
Galebevægelsens blad (Copenhagen), Årgang
5 (1983), Nr. 4
Peter: Semap er kræftfremkaldende og forbudt i Vesttyskland
siden 1981. In Amalie
Galebevægelsens blad (Copenhagen), Årgang
7 (1985), Nr. 4
Peter: Teori ok praksis i forbindelse med det psykiatriske testamente.
In: Karl
Bach Jensen, Didi Arim, Caia Garupi & Claes Pedersen (eds.):
Det mindst onde en bog om menneskeret contra psykiatrisk
tvang, Copenhagen: Amalie
galebevægelens forlag 1993
Peter: Distriktspsykiatrisk virkelighed Kritik af den
moderne socialpsykiatri. In Amalie
Galebevægelsens blad (Copenhagen), Årgang
12 (1990), Nr. 6
Jeffrey M.: Den kemiske knebel. Hvorfor langer psykiateren neuroleptika
ud? In Amalie
Galebevægelsens blad (Copenhagen), Årgang
12 (1990), Nr. 6
Action Project
against "Harassment and Discrimination Faced by People
with Mental Health Problems in the Field of Health Services",
organized in the framework of the "'Community Action Programme
to Combat Discrimination in 2001-2006' with support from the
European Union
Action Project against "Harassment and Discrimination
Faced by People with Mental Health Problems in the Field of
Health Services", organized in the framework of the "'Community
Action Programme to Combat Discrimination in 2001-2006' with
support from the European Union": "Recommendations
to combat harassment and discrimination in health and mental
health services" 2005 by Mental Health Europe, LUCAS
(Belgium), Pro Mente Salzburg (Austria), MIND (England &
Wales), Clientenbond (The Netherlands), FEAFES (Confederación
Española de Agrupaciones de Familiares y Personas con
Enfermedad Mental Spain), BPE (Bundesverband Psychiatrie-Erfahrener
e.V. Germany) and ENUSP (European Network of [ex-] Users
and Survivors of Psychiatry
Action Project against "Harassment and Discrimination
Faced by People with Mental Health Problems in the Field of
Health Services", organized in the framework of the "'Community
Action Programme to Combat Discrimination in 2001-2006' with
support from the European Union": "No
discrimination and harassment here!", Poster, 2005
Action Project against "Harassment and Discrimination
Faced by People with Mental Health Problems in the Field of
Health Services", organized in the framework of the "'Community
Action Programme to Combat Discrimination in 2001-2006' with
support from the European Union": "Main
findings on harassment and discrimination in health and mental
health services", part of the back of the anti-discrimination
poster "No discrimination and harassment here!", 2005
Volkmar: Neuroleptics Effects, risks, education and treatment
contexts. Unpublished manuscript, January 2007
Volkmar: Minimum dosage and monitoring of neuroleptics.
In Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy,
Vol. 20 (2020), No. 4 (Special edition: "Withdrawal from
prescribed drugs", edited by Peter Lehmann)
Volkmar / Lehmann, Peter / Rufer, Marc / Zehentbauer, Josef:
Discontinuing psychotropic drugs? And if so, how? In Journal
of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol.
20 (2020), No. 4 (Special edition: "Withdrawal from prescribed
drugs", edited by Peter Lehmann)
Ahern, Laurie / Peter Stastny / Chris Stevenson: INTAR
The International Network Toward Alternatives and Recovery,
in: Peter
& Stastny & Peter Lehmann (eds.): Alternatives beyond
psychiatry, Berlin / Eugene / Shrewsbury 2007, pp. 359-366;
Kostas: Praise to the honoured on the occasion of the awarding
of an honorary doctoral degree to Peter Lehmann
Wilma: Living with a psychiatric disability Survival,
life-art and lessons to be passed
Wilma: Two sides of recovery. Lecture to the 10th Triptych
Congress, Roermond (Netherlands), November 14, 2002
Wilma / Hans Kroon: Living with a psychiatric disability
Lessons to learn and to pass (2005)
Wilma: From alien to actor. Lecture held during The Public
Hearing on The Green Paper on Mental Health, European Parliament,
Brussels, June 8, 2006
Pat: Beyond models, beyond paradigms The radical interpretation
of recovery, in: Peter
& Stastny & Peter Lehmann (eds.): Alternatives beyond
psychiatry, Berlin / Eugene / Shrewsbury 2007, pp. 400-402;
Peter: $ 6.7 million awarded in Risperdal tardive dyskinesia
case. Internet-publication, 2000
Dorothea: Seventy years of coercion in German psychiatric institutions
Experienced and witnessed (Google video and pdf).
Keynote lecture from June 7, 2007, to the congress Coercive
Treatment in Psychiatry (World Psychiatric Association)
in Dresden, Germany
Judi: Whose voice? Whose choice? Whose power? Keynote lecture
from June 7, 2007 to the congress Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry
(World Psychiatric Association) in Dresden, Germany (Google
Judi: Preface to: Lehmann, Peter (ed.): Coming off psychiatric
drugs Successful withdrawal from neuroleptics, antidepressants,
lithium, carbamazepine and tranquilizers, 2004, pp.
11-13 (e-book
Judi: A working definition of empowerment, In Psychiatric
Rehabilitation Journal, Vol. 20 (1997), No. 4
Judi: Definitions of "self-help groups" and "empowerment"
developed in CI-1, unpublished paper from May 21, 1880
Judi & Peter Lehmann (on behalf of WNUSP / ENUSP): Sorrow
at the loss of our friend Loren Mosher. Message from July
Oryx: MindFreedom Oral History Project Collected
stories from 36 psychiatric survivors: Amazing and inspiring
Conclusions of 'Balancing mental health promotion and mental
health care. Joint World Health Organization / European Commission
Meeting', Brussels, 22-24 April 1999, There is no health
without mental health, including the demands for freedom
of choice, user involvement and alternatives. Plus Kommentar
/ Un commentaire personnel
Mary Ellen: Using the Wellness Recovery Action Plan to withdraw
from psychiatric medications. In Journal of Critical
Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol. 20 (2020),
No. 4 (Special edition: "Withdrawal from prescribed drugs",
edited by Peter Lehmann). And in: Peter
Lehmann & Craig Newnes (eds.): Withdrawal from prescribed
psychotropic drugs, updated e-book edition, Berlin &
Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Publishing 2023, pp. 471-485 (print
edition, Lancaster: Egalitarian Publishing 2023)
Michael: The dramatic results of John Weir Perry’s Diabasis
House program. John Weir Perry’s Diabasis House program both
built on and exceeded Jung’s previous understanding of psychosis.
Contribution to Mad in America from April 7, 2022
Susanne: And finally atypically careful. In Journal of
Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol.
20 (2020), No. 4 (Special edition: "Withdrawal from prescribed
drugs", edited by Peter Lehmann). And in: Peter
Lehmann & Craig Newnes (eds.): Withdrawal from prescribed
psychotropic drugs, updated e-book edition, Berlin &
Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Publishing 2023, pp. 355-361 (print
edition, Lancaster: Egalitarian Publishing 2023)
Bhargavi V.: Globalizing psychiatry and the case of "vanishing"
alternatives in a neo-colonial state. In Disability and
the Global South, Vol. 1 (2014), No. 2
Wyze, Jeannette: Still crazy after all those years Local
shrink assails the schizophrenia racket a biography
of Loren R. Mosher's evolution as a critic of psychiatry's current
beliefs and practices and the consequences it has had for his
professional life
Christian: German politicians block investigating and explaining
the Hell in Ueckermünde. Contribution from March 31,
2018, on
Christian: A tribute to Nazi ideology? Article from January,
16, 2017, about the ongoing appreciation of the psychiatrist
Emil Kraepelin, who wrote defamatory statements about Jews,
who came up with dubious conclusions about homosexuals and people
he deemed "different", who discussed and considered
eliminating nonconformist "maladjusted" people,and
whose writings inspired, among others, his assistant medical
director Rüdin to co-found the German Society for Racial
Hygiene and therefore paving the way for the Nazi's extermination
Anna: The Observatory for Mental Health Rights: Cooperative
support in withdrawal. In Journal of Critical Psychology,
Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol. 20 (2020), No. 4 (Special
edition: "Withdrawal from prescribed drugs", edited
by Peter Lehmann). And in: Peter
Lehmann & Craig Newnes (eds.): Withdrawal from prescribed
psychotropic drugs, updated e-book edition, Berlin &
Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Publishing 2024, pp. 297-308(print
edition, Lancaster: Egalitarian Publishing 2023)
Seth: When the children's psychiatrist comes. Published
in worked-over and translated form under the title: Wenn
der Kinderpsychiater kommt.... In: Kerstin
Kempker / Peter Lehmann (eds.): Statt Psychiatrie (Instead
of psychiatry) (1993)
Sean: The failure to inform psychiatric "patients"
of the dangers of neuroleptic drugs in Ireland. Unpublished
manuscript from 2005
Leonard Roy: Interview about so-called atypical neuroleptics
like Zyprexa, Risperdal, Seroquel on YouTube
Fernando / Mota, Fábio / Braga, Luiza Amara Maciel / Motta,
Camila: Attitudes of researchers about discontinuation of psychopharmacological
treatment. In Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling
and Psychotherapy, Vol. 20 (2020), No. 4, pp. 55-65. And
in: Peter
Lehmann & Craig Newnes (eds.): Withdrawal from prescribed
psychotropic drugs, updated e-book edition, Berlin &
Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Publishing 2023, pp. 58-75 (print edition,
Lancaster: Egalitarian Publishing 2023)
Peter C.: Talk about forced admission and treatment in psychiatry
as violations of basic human rights, June 2, 2016, in Anchorage,
Ilse: After discharge. In: Peter Lehmann (ed.): Coming
off psychiatric drugs (2004; e-book
Gábor: How to deny a psychiatric family history.
In: Peter
Lehmann (ed.), Coming off Psychiatric Drugs Successful withdrawal
from neuroleptics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, ritalin
and tranquilizers. Berlin: Peter Lehmann Publishing
2004 (e-book
Jim in interview #192 with the World Pirate Network Podcast
Network on the Zyprexa Papers
Jim & PsychRights©
Law Project for Psychiatric Rights: Effective Non-Drug Treatment.
Bibliography of manuscripts and lectures
Jim: How the legal system can help create a recovery culture
in mental health systems. Attorney Jim Gottstein discusses
how strategic litigation in the United States, combined with
a serious public education campaign and the increased availability
of alternatives to the drugging dominated mental health system,
can combine into a powerful force for positive change. Paper
to the conference Alternatives 2005 Leading the Transformation
to Recovery, Phoenix, Arizona, October 28, 2005
Jim & PsychRights©
Law Project for Psychiatric Rights: Case XX and the Zyprexa
papers scandal
Jim: The prospect of recovering compensation for psychiatric
withdrawal harm through litigation because of missing or misleading
information. In Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling
and Psychotherapy, Vol. 20 (2020), No. 4 (Special edition:
"Withdrawal from prescribed drugs", edited by Peter
and discrimination faced by people with psycho-social disability
in health services. A European survey: Recommendations to combat
discrimination (2005)
Jennifer: Psychiatric patients unaware of prescription drug
risks. In Irish Examiner, November 17, 2011
(International Network of Treatment Alternatives for Recovery):
International group gathers to promote non-medical approaches
to treating people diagnosed with mental illness. Press
release from November 16, 2004
Lothar: Personal motivation for my antipsychiatric acting.
In: Kerstin
Kempker & Peter Lehmann (eds.): Statt Psychiatrie (Instead
of psychiatry) (1993)
Mats: Personal Ombudsman: A concrete example of supported decision-making.
Lecture at Amnesty International Ireland's conference on supported
decision-making, May 2013, on YouTube
Kerstin: The runaway-house in Berlin. Lecture in Oslo (1999)
Kerstin: About the terms "users" and "survivors"
of psychiatry. Letter to ENUSP from June 15, 1994
Hannelore: Making common sense of voices. Lecture with powerpoint-presentation
to the International Conference Dignity and Recovery
at the University College Cork, February 2005
Jan: Don Quixote and the drug-free zone or: What now, little
Jumping Jack? In: Peter
Lehmann (ed.): Coming off psychiatric drugs Successful
withdrawal from neuroleptics, antidepressants, lithium, carbamazepine
and tranquilizers
Pirkko: Preface to Peter Lehmann (ed.): Coming off psychiatric
drugs Successful withdrawal from neuroleptics, antidepressants,
lithium, carbamazepine and tranquilizers, 2004, pp.
13-15 (e-book
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz (eds.): Information
sheets on neuroleptics in English, Arabic, French, German,
Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, and Turkish,
produced in collaboration with the Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik Andernach,
the Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey, the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster,
Aderhold and Peter Lehmann (2018)
- Lehmann,
Peter: Humanistic antipsychiatry and the Journal of Critical Psychology,
Counselling and Psychotherapy: a personal retrospect. In Journal
of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (Lancaster),
Vol. 21 (2021), No. 1, pp. 64-68
Peter: About humanistic antipsychiatry (online resource,
Peter: Towards the ban of electroshock (online resource,
Peter: Whose defamation? Whose insult? Whose shame? About the
indifference of the Berlin Runaway House organisation towards
its staff-member Jan Groth's cybermobbing and defamation of
Judi Chamberlin. Published in worked-over form under the
title Facebook
friends and other enemies in: Journal of Critical Psychology,
Counselling and Psychotherapy (Ross-on-Wye, Wales), Vol. 14
Peter: Celebrating Dorothea Buck's 100th Birthday and dorothea-buck_birthday100.pdf,
contribution to Mad in America Science, Psychiatry
and Community (webzine of Robert Whitaker), April 5, 2017
Peter: Coming off psychiatric drugs: Problems and opportunities,
YouTube video of the keynote lecture to the 3rd Annual Recovery
Conference Medicating Human Distress: Concerns, Critiques
and Solutions, University College Cork, Ireland, November
16-17, 2011
Peter (ed.): Coming off psychiatric drugs Successful
withdrawal from neuroleptics, antidepressants, lithium, carbamazepine
and tranquilizers. Contents, Prefaces by Judi Chamberlin,
Loren Mosher, Pirkko Lahti & Peter Lehmann, Note about Liability
and Introduction of the book from 2004; e-book
Peter: Coming off neuroleptics. In: Craig Newnes / Guy Holmes
/ Cailzie Dunn (eds.): This
is madness too: Critical perspectives on mental health services,
Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books 2001, pp. 81-91
Peter (on behalf of ENUSP): Comment to: "Quality assurance
in mental health care, Draft. Human Rights of People with
Mental Disorders", WHO 1997; publication of the comment
in worked-over form: Forum
The Declaration of Madrid and current psychiatric practice:
users' and advocates' views. In Current Opinion in Psychiatry
Peter: The political dimension of the self-help movement of
people with psychotic experiences. Paper from the "1st
International ConferenceQuality of Life and Psychology",
run by the Psychological Society of Northern Greece at the Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, December 2004
Peter: For and against psychotropic drugs. Proposal as position-paper
for the European Network of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry.
In European Newsletter of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry,
No. 6 (Spring 1997) / and in: ENUSP:
Third Conference-Reading, England, 1996, January 3-6, 1997,
Utrecht: Self-publication 1999, pp.18-20
Peter: How to withdraw from psychiatric drugs. In Asylum
The Magazine for Democratic Psychiatry (U.K.), 2010
Lehmann, Peter in interview with
Michael Susko, recorded on June 6, 2008 at the International
Recovery Perspectives Conference Action On Alternatives
in Toronto, published with the title "Peter
Lehmann's story" in: Michael A. Susko (ed.): Transformational
stories: Voices for true healing in mental health, e-book, ASIN
(Amazon Standard Identification Number): B083JM8W6X, AllrOneofUs
Publishing 2019
Peter: About the intrinsic suicidal effects of neuroleptics:
Towards breaking the taboo and fighting therapeutical recklessness.
In International Journal of Psychotherapy (Vienna), Vol.
16 (2012), No. 1, pp. 30-49
Peter: The particular elements of Soteria from the perspective
of (ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry. Lecture to the
congress Soteria and No Restraint, Merano, Italy, November
21-23, 2007; published in a worked-over form under the title
As viewed by (ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry
in Asylum The Magazine for Democratic Psychiatry
(U.K.), 2010
Peter: Psychiatric emergency-treatment Help against one's
will or action of professional violence?. In: Michel De
Clercq / Antonio Andreoli / Suzanne Lamarre / Peter Forster
(eds.): Emergency Psychiatry in a Changing World. Proceedings
of the 5th World Congress of the International Association for
Emergency Psychiatry, Brussels, Belgium, October 15-17, 1998
Peter: Europe The European Network of (ex-) Users and
Survivors of Psychiatry. In Mental Health Observer,
No. 17 (Summer 1997), p. 8
Peter: Stop exclusion, dare to share! Commentary of a "Mental
Health Advocate" at the World Health Day 2001. Lecture
to the meeting Mental Health "Stop Exclusion
Dare to care, WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland. April
6, 2001
Peter: How relevant is Franco Basaglia currently? Psychiatrists,
psychotherapists and the reduced life expectancy of psychiatric
patients. Abstract. In Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft,
Vol. 3. (2013), No. 2, p. 79
Peter: A concise guide to electroshock: Indications, mode of
action, risks, alternatives. In Journal of Critical Psychology,
Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol. 22 (2022), No. 3, pp.
Peter: Keynote presentation at Whose Recovery is it Anyway,
congress run by the Social Perspectives Network, London, October
16, 2007
Peter: From the madhouse to the warmth of others. In aaina
A mental health advocacy newsletter (India), Vol.
7 (2007), No. 3, pp. 9-12
Peter: Manage or perish, or choosing to live without neuroleptic
drugs Difficulties and chances. Lecture to the Congress
Manage or Perish: the Challenges of Managed Mental Health
Care in Europe, October 7-10, 1998, Psychiatric Clinic of
the University of Geneve
Peter: Critical measures for a political and social integration
of (ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry. Lecture to the
conference SOCIETY AND MENTAL HEALTH, October 19-20,
2007, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Peter: Medicalization and irresponsibility. Basis text for
the lecture from June 29, 2010 to the congress The Real Person,
organized by the University of Preston (Lancashire), Institute
for Philosophy, Diversity and Mental Health, in cooperation
with the European
Network of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (ENUSP)
in Manchester, U.K. Published in the Journal of Critical
Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy 2010
Peter: In memoriam Hubertus Rolshoven. In The European
Newsletter of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, No.
12 (December 2003)
Peter: Irreconcilable memory culture in psychiatry. Congratulation
to Dorothea Buck's 100th birthday. In Journal of Critical
Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (2017)
Peter: The medical model, diagnostics and treatment methods.
Lecture to the second European conference of users and ex-users
in mental health The international people's college
Peter: International noncompliance and humanistic antipsychiatry.
Speech given on the occasion of the awarding of an Honorary
Doctoral Degree on 28 September 2010 by the School of Psychology
of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Peter: Paradigm shift: Treatment alternatives to psychiatric
drugs for patients, with particular reference to lower and middle
income countries. In: Laura Davidson (ed.), The Routledge
Handbook of International Development, Mental Health and Wellbeing,
London / New York: Routledge 2019, pp. 251-269
Peter: Perspectives of (ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry.
Lecture to the Congress Mental Health Promotion on the European
Agenda, January 15-16, 1998, Helsinki
Peter: Formal previous-consent and previous-rejection of psychiatric
drugs and electroshock Theory and practice of the psychiatric
will. Lecture to the Conference RESPONSABILITE, DROITS
Madrid, October 7-9, 1994
Peter: Problems at withdrawal from psychiatric drugs, Abstract
091. In: Manage or Perish? The Challenges of Managed Mental
Health Care in Europe. Geneva, 7th-10th October 1998, Centre
Médical Universitaire, Final Program, p. 95
Peter: How to produce normality with electricity. In
Phoenix Rising The Voice of the Psychiatrized (Toronto),
Vol. 7 (1988), No. 4, pp. 36-37
Peter: Promotion of mental health and prevention of mental disorders
by empowerment Is there a psychiatry-policy without meaningful
participation of (ex-) users/survivors of psychiatry?. In:
Juha Lavikainen, Eero Lahtinen & Ville Lehtinen (eds.):
Proceedings of the European Conference on Promotion of Mental
Health and Social Inclusion, 10-13 October 1999, Tampere, Finland
(Reports of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 2001:3),
Helsinki: Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 2001, pp. 108-110
/ unshortened
Peter: Some proposals to combat suicidality triggered by neuroleptics.
In ICSPP Bulletin Newsletter of the International
Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology (International
Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry, USA), 2011, No.
Peter: "Progressive" psychiatry. Publisher J. F. Lehmann
as promoter of social psychiatry under fascism. In Changes
An International Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy
Peter: All about PSY DREAM Psychiatric drug registration,
evaluation and all-inclusive monitoring. In Epidemiologia
e psichiatria sociale, Vol. 14 (2005), No. 1, pp. 15-21
Peter: Recovery by taking psychiatric drugs versus Recovery
by coming off psychiatric drugs. In Journal of Critical
Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (U.K.), Vol. 13
Peter: Remarks and points to be added to the Declaration of
Madrid (World Psychiatric Association). In: Lars Martensson
with participation of Peter Lehmann, Deprived of our humanity,
Genève: The Voiceless Movement, Association écrivains,
poètes 1998
Peter: Resisting psychiatric assault A European initiative
to introduce a suicide register. Keynote lecture to PsychOUT:
A Conference for Organizing Resistance Against Psychiatry,
May 7-8, 2010, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at
the University of Toronto
Peter: Responding to the catastrophic reduction of psychiatric
patients' life expectancy. Keynote lecture to the conference
Rights Under Siege: Fighting Back, run by the National
Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy, Phoenix, Arizona,
August 27, 2016
Peter: Review of Deprescribing in psychiatry by Swapnil
Gupta, Rebecca Miller & John D. Cahill . In Journal
of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (U.K.),
Vol. 20 (2020)
Peter: Review of A Fight to Be: Psychologist's experience
from both sides of the locked door by Ronald Bassman.
In Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy
(U.K.), Vol. 7 (2007)
Peter: Review of Doctors of deception: What they don't want
you to know about shock treatment by Linda Andre. In
Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy
(U.K.), Vol. 9 (2009). And in Advocacy
Update The latest in activism and community news from
ENUSP, Vol. 1 (2010), No. 1, pp. 24-25
Peter: Review of Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. A guidebook
for prescribers, therapists, patients, and their families
by Peter R. Breggin. In Journal of Critical Psychology,
Counselling and Psychotherapy (U.K.), Vol. 13 (2013)
Peter: Review of Tincture of Time: Living Through Grief to
Hope by Judy Schreiber-Mosher. In Journal of Critical
Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (U.K.), Vol. 11
(2011), No. 2, pp. 117-118
Peter: Review of Dear Luise. A story of power and powerlessness
in Denmark's psychiatric care system by Dorrit Cato Christensen.
In Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy
(U.K.), Vol. 19 (2019)
Peter: Securing human rights in the psychiatric field by advance
directives. In Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling
and Psychotherapy (U.K.), Vol. 15 (2015)
Peter: The self, schizophrenia and neuroleptic iatrogenic injury
in mental health and social care. Keynote lecture to the
13th International Conference of the International Network of
Philosophy and Psychiatry Real People: The Self in Mental
Health and Social Care, June 28-30, 2010, Manchester (U.K.)
Peter (2023): The bright and the dark side of the self-help
movement. Ambivalent experiences from almost half a century
of involvement in non- and antipsychiatric self-organization
and self-help in Germany. In: Journal of Critical Psychology,
Counselling and Psychotherapy (Lancaster), Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.
Peter: Two contradictory sides of recovery and psychosocial
rehabilitation. In WAPR e-bulletin (Digital edition
of the Bulletin of the World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation),
No. 35 (October 2014)
Peter: A snapshot of users and survivors of psychiatry on the
international stage. In Journal of Critical Psychology,
Counselling and Psychotherapy (U.K.), Vol. 9 (2009)
Peter: The spirit of what has not been said Response
to Prof. John Sadler's keynote presentation: "Personal
and community capacities: Philosophical conundrums",
University of Central Lancashire: Faculty of Health, Institute
for Philosophy, Diversity and Mental Health, Summer Colloquium
2009: Interpersonal Awareness and Mental Health, July 7, 2009
Peter: Teaching withdrawal of antipsychotics and antidepressants
to professionals and recipients, in: Craig Newnes / Laura
Golding (eds.): Teaching Critical Psychology: International
perspectives, Abingdon / New York: Routledge 2018, pp. 148-169
Peter: Me and Thomas Szasz. Contrarian approaches to anti-psychiatry.
In Asylum The Magazine for Democratic Psychiatry
(U.K.), 2013. Manuscript
with original text, complete sources and Asylum's correction
Peter: Theory and practice of the Psychiatric Will Timely
precautions to turn away forced treatment and to defend human
rights. Online resource, 1997
Peter:Transparency first. Disclosure of conflicts of interest
in the psychiatric field. Powerpoint
presentation on behalf of the European Network of (ex-)
Users and Survivors of Psychiatry within "Shedding Light
on transparent collaboration in healthcare: A unique overview
of practices in Europe", European Parliament, Brussels,
January 23, 2019. In Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling
and Psychotherapy (Ross-on-Wye, Wales), Vol. 19 (2019)
Peter: Forced psychiatric treatment and protection against it
in Germany in 2013. In Newsletter of the World Network
of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, September 2013
Peter: Treatment-induced suicide Suicidality as a potential
effect of psychiatric drugs. Paper distributed nonofficially
at the conference Coping with stress and depression related
problems in Europe, organized by the World Health Organization,
the European Commission and the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs,
Public Health and the Environment (Belgium), Brussels, October
25-27, 2001. Extended and work-over published in: Journal
of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (U.K.),
Vol. 2 (2002), No. 1, pp. 54-58
Peter: Are users and survivors of psychiatry only allowed to
speak about their personal narratives?. In: John Z. Sadler,
Kenneth William Musgrave (Bill) Fulford & Cornelius Werdie
Van Staden (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of psychiatric ethics,
Oxford: Oxford University Press 2015, pp. 98-10
Peter: User-controlled peer-coaching. In: Vesna vab
(ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Mental
Health Education and Prevention, May 27-29, 2004, Hotel Perla,
Nova Gorica, Slovenia, Ljubljana: ENT 2004
Peter: Variety instead of stupidity About the different
positions within the movement of (ex-) users and survivors of
psychiatry. In Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling
and Psychotherapy (U.K.), Vol. 9 (2009)
Peter: Voice of users and survivors of psychiatry on WHO-Day
of Health / Psychiatric self-help on the internet / ""
promoted by the German Health Ministry. Press relase on
behalf of the Federal Organisation of (ex-) Users and Survivors
of Psychiatry in Germany from April 5, 2001
Peter: Early warning signs of chronic or lethal diseases due
to the administration of neuroleptics. In Journal of
Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (U.K.),
Vol. 13 (2013)
Peter: Withdrawal symptoms connected with cessation of psychiatric
drugs, in: Lars Martensson with participation of Peter Lehmann,
Deprived of our humanity, Genève: The Voiceless
Movement, Association écrivains, poètes 1998
Peter: White paper on the protection of the human rights and
dignity of people suffering from mental disorder, especially
those placed as involuntary patients. Lecture to the European
Conference on Mental Health 2001: Visibly Improved, Improved
Visibility, Rotterdam, March 2001
Peter: The Psychiatric Will A special advance directive.
In The European Newsletter of (ex-) Users and Survivors of
Psychiatry, No. 12 (December 2003)
Peter: Words of thanks on the occasion of the award of an honorary
doctoral degree by the School of Psychology of the Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki (Greece), September 28, 2010
Peter: World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP)
accepted as authority by WFMH. Manuscript from August 27,
Peter / Kerstin Kempker: Unconventional approaches to psychiatry.
In Clinical Psychology Forum (1993); and Asylum
The Magazine for Democratic Psychiatry, Vol. 8 (1994), No.
1, pp. 28-29
Peter / Reinhard Wojke: Video- photo and text documentation
of Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry, congress run by
the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) in Dresden, Germany,
June 2007
Bruce: Thinking critically about scientology, psychiatry, and
their feud. In The Huffington Post, September 11,
Lars: Should neuroleptice be banned? In: The Voiceless Movement
/ Les Sans-Voix (eds.): Deprived of our humanity The
case against neuroleptic drugs, Geneva: Association Ecrivains,
Poètes & Cie. 1998, pp. 97-148 (plus attendum and publication
Juan E. (President of the World Psychiatric Association): The
dialogal basis of our profession: Psychiatry with the Person.
In World Psychiatry, Vol. 6 (2007), October, No 3, pp.
Loren R.: How drug company money has corrupted psychiatry
Loren R.: Letter of resignation from the American Psychiatric
Association to Rodrigo Munoz, M.D., President of the APA,
December 4, 1998
Loren R.: Preface to Peter Lehmann (ed.): Coming off psychiatric
drugs Successful withdrawal from neuroleptics, antidepressants,
lithium, carbamazepine and tranquilizers, 2004, pp.
15-17 (e-book
Loren R.: Swimming upriver. Foreword to: The Voiceless Movement
/ Les Sans-Voix (eds.): Deprived of our humanity The
case against neuroleptic drugs, Geneva: Association Ecrivains,
Poètes & Cie. 1998, pp. 15-19
Murray, Stu: Beyond the gender divide:
Challenges faced by boys and men in modern society. In Our
Voice / Notre Voix (Moncton, Canada), 2024, No. 24, pp.
25-28; available also on Stu Murray's blog
Mary: Employment needs of people with mental health problems.
In Newsletter of the European Network of (ex-) Users and
Survivors of Psychiatry, 1997
Mary: Cooperation and understanding versus custodialism and
violence User- and survivor involvement in services,
education, administration and political decision-making
(Google video). Lecture within the Symposium Banned by Bio-psychiatry:
What Users and Survivors of Psychiatry Really Want (chaired
by Peter Lehmann) at the congress Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry
(World Psychiatric Association), Dresden 2007
Network for Self-help in Mental Health in Rhineland-Palatinate:
Antipsychotics information. In Peter
Lehmann & Craig Newnes (eds.): Withdrawal from prescribed
psychotropic drugs, updated e-book edition, Berlin &
Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Publishing 2023, pp. 10-15 (print edition,
Lancaster: Egalitarian Publishing 2023)
Craig: Constructing the service user. The psychiatric system
uses the term "service user" to emphasize consumerism
and voluntarism as if the people being psychiatrized are using
a service in the way they may use banking or bus services
but they are not. In Clinical Psychology, Vol. 50 (July
David W.: One decade after THAT month! My ten year journey after
breaking my neck (December 1, 2022)
David W.: Interview about MindFreedom International, mental
health and freedom of choice onYouTube
David W.: Madness and the mental health system Psychiatric
survivors and human rights. In Alternative Resources
for Cultural Creativity, Issue 37 (Spring 2006)
David W.: Respecting human rights as a sine qua non for all
kind of treatment and support The strategy of MindFreedom
International (Google video). Contribution at the Symposium
Banned by Bio-psychiatry: What Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
Really Want (chaired by Peter Lehmann) at the congress Coercive
Treatment in Psychiatry (World Psychiatric Association),
Dresden 2007
Darby: Lack of information about risks and options: Innovative
ways to overcome this world-wide ethical problem in psychiatry.
Powerpoint presentation within the symposium Responding to
the Frightening Reduction of Psychiatric Patients' Life Expectancy,
led by Peter Lehmann / Salam Gómez, to the WPA XVII. World
Congress of Psychiatry ("Psychiatry of the 21st Century:
Context, Controversies and Commitment"), Berlin, October
11, 2017
Erwin: A mental struggle. How I stopped the use of psychiatric
drugs. In: Peter Lehmann (ed.): Coming
off psychiatric drugs (2004), pp. 290-297
David L.: Dr. Caligari reflects back and looks forward.
In Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy,
Vol. 20 (2020), No. 4 (Special edition: "Withdrawal from
prescribed drugs", edited by Peter Lehmann). And in: Peter
Lehmann & Craig Newnes (eds.): Withdrawal from prescribed
psychotropic drugs, updated e-book edition, Berlin &
Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Publishing 2023, pp. 10-15 (print edition,
Lancaster: Egalitarian Publishing 2023)
Erveda: Beyond the walls the transision from hospital to community
based care Deinstitutionalisation and International cooperation
in mental health. Lecture to Beyond the Walls in Trieste,
April 13-16, 2011
Jann E. / Schwartz, Michael A.: Highlighting individuality
Reduction of psychopharmaca requires individual prescriptions
during individual recovery. In Journal of Critical Psychology,
Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol. 20 (2020), No. 4 (Special
edition: "Withdrawal from prescribed drugs", edited
by Peter Lehmann)
Mosher, Judy: Does Soteria have future? Lecture to the congress
Soteria and No Restraint, Merano, Italy, November 21-23,
John: Prognosis negative Psychiatry and the foibles of
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V (DSM-V) in Skeptic
Magazine (2010)
Peter: On not having had the experience. Pioneer Dialogue
at South Florida State Hospital, January 31, 1992
Peter: Taking charge of psychotropic drugs. In Disability
Studies Quarterly, Vol. 13 (1993), No. 2, pp. 32-38
Peter: On the life and death of Loren Mosher. Paper from
September 20, 2004, distributed at the INTAR meeting Understanding
Real Alternatives for People at Risk of Conventional Psychiatric
Treatment on November 12-14, 2004, at Race Brook Lodge,
Western Massachusetts
Peter: The International Network Toward Alternatives and Recovery
(INTAR) (Google video). Lecture within the Symposium Banned
by Bio-psychiatry: What Users and Survivors of Psychiatry Really
Want (chaired by Peter Lehmann) at the congress Coercive
Treatment in Psychiatry (World Psychiatric Association),
Dresden 2007
Peter / Anne M. Lovell / Julie Hannah / Daniel Goulart / Alberto
Vasquez / Seana O'Callaghan, and Dainius Puras: Crisis Response
as a Human Rights Flashpoint: Critical Elements of Community
Support for Individuals Experiencing Significant Emotional Distress.
In Health and Human Rights Journal, Vol. 22 (2020), No.
1, pp. 105-119
Peter / Peter Lehmann (eds.): Alternatives beyond psychiatry
(2007) Contents, Preface, Note about Liability and Introduction;
Peter: Testimony to the New York State Assembly about brain
damage by electroconvulsive "therap"y (2001)
Stefan: The UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
Chances and challenges for users and survivors of psychiatry
in European countries. Powerpoint version of the keynote-lecture
from September 29, 2010 to the congress Determining our own
future: The way forward for all European users and survivors
of psychiatry (= Joint congress against discrimination
and stigma, for user-orientated reforms in psychiatry and the
right to alternatives), run by the European Network of (ex-)
Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, Mental Health Europe, The
Panhellenic Committee of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry,
The School of Psychology and the Self-Help Promotion Programme
of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, September
28 October 1, 2010
Declaration: How we propose to deal with each other. Approved
at the Joined Congress of the European
Network of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry and
the World
Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, July 17-21,
2004 in Vejle (Denmark)
Jan: Not on the Agenda: Clients and psychiatry in Central Europe.
Reflective journey through Central Europe in December 2004
Jan: User-led research to develop an evidence base for alternative
approaches. The role of research in mental health. In: Peter
Stastny & Peter Lehmann (eds.), Alternatives
Beyond Psychiatry, Berlin / Eugene / Shrewsbury: Peter Lehmann
Publishing 2007, pp. 342-351 (e-book
in 2022)
David: The relationship between economic values and socio-cultural
values for helping us understand how to prevent suicide.
Keynote lecture to the WHO/EU Conference on Mental health
and suicidal behaviour in times of economic crisis, Stockholm,
October 2009
David: Bridging the spirituality gap. In Australian e-Journal
for the Advancement of Mental Health, Vol. 4 (2005); republished
in Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and
Psychotherapy (U.K.), Vol. 5 (2005), No. 4, pp. 201-212
David: An interview in New Paradigm, Winter 2009
Uta: The Runaway-house: Human support instead of inhuman psychiatric
treatment. In Changes An International Journal
of Psychology and Psychotherapy (1992)
Robert: Strategies of drug companies to optimize the sales of
their psychiatric drugs The rise and fall of the "atypical"
neuroleptics: A case study in how the pharmaceutical industry
hypes its products (Google video). Lecture within the Symposium
Banned by Bio-psychiatry: What Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
Really Want (chaired by Peter Lehmann) at the congress Coercive
Treatment in Psychiatry (World Psychiatric Association),
Dresden 2007
Robert: Fernando de Freitas: A "Dear Friend" who was
a warrior for radical change. Dedication on Mad in America,
February 3, 2023
Robert: The truth about "schizophrenia" & fixing
chemical imbalances on YouTube
Robert: Do antipsychotics reduce the risk of relapse? In
Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy,
Vol. 20 (2020), No. 4 (Special edition: "Withdrawal from
prescribed drugs", edited by Peter Lehmann). And in: Peter
Lehmann & Craig Newnes (eds.): Withdrawal from prescribed
psychotropic drugs, updated e-book edition, Berlin &
Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Publishing 2023, pp. 145-166 (print
edition, Lancaster: Egalitarian Publishing 2023)
Robert: Preface to Peter Stastny / Peter Lehmann (eds.): Alternatives
beyond psychiatry, 2007, pp. 11-12 (ebook
Robert: Psychiatry Defends Its Antipsychotics. A Case Study
of Institutional Corruption MIA Report: Lieberman says critics
of the drugs "create mischief for their own nefarious purposes."
On MadinAmerica, May 21, 2017
Robert: Remembering Bhargavi Davar: A global leader in the struggle
for human rights. Dedication on Mad in America, May
25, 2024
Martin: Germany without Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry: A
15 Month Real World Experience. In Laws 2016
y Discriminación Sufridos por Personas con Discapacidad
Psiquico-social en el Ambito de los Servicios de Salud. Estudio
a nivel europeo", organizado en el contexto del "'Programa
de acción comunitario para luchar contra la discriminación
en 2001-2006" con el apoyo de la Unión Europea"
Acoso y Discriminación Sufridos por Personas con Discapacidad
Psiquico-social en el Ambito de los Servicios de Salud. Estudio
a nivel europeo, organizado en el contexto del "'Programa
de acción comunitario para luchar contra la discriminación
en 2001-2006' con el apoyo de la Unión Europea":
"Prinicipales Hallazgos sobre el Acoso y la Discriminaciòn
en los Servicios de Salud y en la Salud Mental", parte
del reverso del póster contra la discriminación
a la Discriminació, No al Acoso!", 2005
Acoso y Discriminación Sufridos por Personas con Discapacidad
Psiquico-social en el Ambito de los Servicios de Salud. Estudio
a nivel europeo, organizado en el contexto del "'Programa
de acción comunitario para luchar contra la discriminación
en 2001-2006" con el apoyo de la Unión Europea":
da politica" de Mental Health Europe, LUCAS (Belgium),
Pro Mente Salzburg (Austria), MIND (England & Wales), Clientenbond
(The Netherlands), FEAFES (Confederación Española
de Agrupaciones de Familiares y Personas con Enfermedad Mental
Spain), BPE (Bundesverband Psychiatrie-Erfahrener e.V.
Germany) and ENUSP (European Network of [ex-] Users and
Survivors of Psychiatry
Acoso y Discriminación Sufridos por Personas con Discapacidad
Psiquico-social en el Ambito de los Servicios de Salud. Estudio
a nivel europeo, organizado en el contexto del "'Programa
de acción comunitario para luchar contra la discriminación
en 2001-2006" con el apoyo de la Unión Europea":
a la Discriminació, No al Acoso!", Póster, 2005
Chamberlin, Judi: Prefacio, en: Peter
Lehmann / Salam Gómez (eds.), Dejando los medicamentos
psiquiátricos Estrategias y vivencias para la
retirada exitosa de antipsicóticos, antidepresivos, estabilizadores
del ánimo, psicoestimulantes y tranquilizantes,
Berlín / Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Editorial 2022, pp.
de Lima de Redesfera Latinoamericana de la Diversidad Psicosocial
Locura Latina (2018)
Gómez, Salam: Prefacio, en: Peter
Lehmann / Salam Gómez (eds.), Dejando los medicamentos
psiquiátricos Estrategias y vivencias para la
retirada exitosa de antipsicóticos, antidepresivos, estabilizadores
del ánimo, psicoestimulantes y tranquilizantes,
Berlín / Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Editorial 2022, pp.
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz (eds.): Hojas
de Información Internacional sobre Antipsicóticos,
producido en colaboración con el Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik
Andernach, el Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey, el Pfalzklinikum
Klingenmünster, Volkmar
Aderhold y Peter
Lehmann (2018)
Lahti, Pirkko: Prefacio, en: Peter
Lehmann / Salam Gómez (eds.), Dejando los medicamentos
psiquiátricos Estrategias y vivencias para la
retirada exitosa de antipsicóticos, antidepresivos, estabilizadores
del ánimo, psicoestimulantes y tranquilizantes,
Berlín / Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Editorial 2022, pp.
Peter: Alternativas a la psiquiatría: Exposición
en la conferencia Discapacidad Psicosocial más
allá de la Psiquiatría, Bogotá, Colombia,
10 de octubre del 2012. Publicado en: Revista de la Asociación
Española de Neuropsiquiatría, el año 33
(2013), n.° 117, pp. 137-150
Lehmann, Peter: Prefacio, en: Peter
Lehmann / Salam Gómez (eds.), Dejando los medicamentos
psiquiátricos Estrategias y vivencias para la
retirada exitosa de antipsicóticos, antidepresivos, estabilizadores
del ánimo, psicoestimulantes y tranquilizantes,
Berlín / Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Editorial 2022, pp.
Peter: Alternativas a la Psiquiatría, powerpoint
exposición a la conferencia "Ideas para una Salud Mental
critica y participativa" del Asociación Madrileñla
de Salud Mental / Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría,
Madrid, 22 de febrero del 2013
Mosher, Loren R.: Prefacio, en: Peter
Lehmann / Salam Gómez (eds.), Dejando los medicamentos
psiquiátricos Estrategias y vivencias para la
retirada exitosa de antipsicóticos, antidepresivos, estabilizadores
del ánimo, psicoestimulantes y tranquilizantes,
Berlín / Lancaster: Peter Lehmann Editorial 2022, pp.
- Sampietro,
Hernán María: Del diagnóstico al activismo,
un proceso personal de empoderamiento. From diagnosis to activism,
a personal process of empowerment. En: Revista de la Asociación
Española de Neuropsiquiatría, el año 36 (2016),
n.° 129, pp. 193-207
Theodor: Psychothérapie au lieu de psychiatrie? Pas l'embarras
du choix. στο: à jour ! Aktuelles
für ASP-Mitglieder / Dernieres informations à l'intention
des mebres ASP (2007)
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz (eds.): Information
sheets on neuroleptics in French, Arabic, English, German,
Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, and Turkish,
produced in collaboration with the Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik Andernach,
the Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey, the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster,
Aderhold and Peter Lehmann (2018)
Peter: Un commentaire personnel du 25 avril 1999 au sujet du symposium « Balancing Mental Health Promotion and Mental Health Care » du 22 au 24 avril 1999
Peter: Fiches d'information sur les antidépresseurs et
les antipsychotiques indépendantes de l'industrie
et orientées envers les patients, en: à jour !
Évolution de la profession de psychothérapeute
Informations pour les membres ASP (Association Suisse des Psychothérapeutes),
2019, No 2, pp. 64-66
Peter: Franco Basaglia est-il encore d'actualité? Abtrait,
en Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, Vol. 3. (2013), No. 2,
p. 79
Peter: Théorie et pratique du testament psychiatrique,
Abstract. In: Comité Européen Droit, Ethique
et Psychiatrie C.E.D.E.P. (Seccion espanola): Journees
d'etudes europeeennes Responsabilité, droits et
protection dans le champ de la santé mentale en Europe,
Programme for the the Conference Responsabilité, droits
et protection dans le champ de la santé mentale en Europe,
Madrid, October 7-9, 1994
Mary: Les besoins d'emploi des personnes ayant des troubles
de santé mentale (1997)
Kostas / Fibos Zafiridis / Maria
Dikaiou: ΓΙΑ
expert opinion about awarding the Honorary Doctorate degree
to Peter Lehmann, written by Kostas Bairaktaris, Prof. of Clinical
Psychology, Fibos Zafiridis, Psychiatrist & Prof. of Psychology,
& Maria Dikaiou, Prof. of Social Psychology, for the School
of Psychology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
(January 25, 2010)
Kerstin: Σταματώντας
τα ψυχοφάρμακα
στο Σπίτι
Λέμαν, Πέτερ:
«Η επιστροφή του ηλεκτροσόκ
Θεραπεία ή βλάβη;»
ISBN 978-960-9488-26-6, Θεσσαλονίκη:
εκδ. Νησίδες
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.
NetzG-RLP (επιμ.):
για τα αντικαταθλιπτικά
σε τέσσερα
δημόσια ψυχιατρεία
το κρατιδίου
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.
NetzG-RLP (επιμ.): Νευροληπτικά
– Μπροσούρα
τα νευροληπτικά
σε τρία δημόσια
το κρατιδίου
in: Τετράδια Ψυχιατρικής, 2007,
Ιανουάριος-Μαρτς, Τεύχος 97, σ 27-35
Λέμαν, Πέτερ:
Η πολιτική
με ψυχωσική
στο: Τετράδια
2005, No 90, Απρίλιος-Ιούνιος,
σ. 18-25
Πέτερ: Διεθνής
Μη Συμμόρφωση
και Ανθρωπιστική
Ομιλία με
την ευκαιρία
της αναγόρευσης
σε Επίτιμο
του Τμήματος
του Αριστοτελείου
στις 28 Σεπτεμβρίου
2010, in: Kostas Bairaktaris (ed.):
"Proceedings of the European Congress against Discrimination
and Stigma, for User-Orientated Reforms in Psychiatry and the
Right to Alternatives", ISBN 978-960-88503-5-4, Thessaloniki:
Aristotle-University 2010, pp. 63-72
Πέτερ: Επιζώντες
της Ψυχιατρικής
, στο:
και Ψυχική
Υγεία (Society
& Mental Health Θεσσαλονίκη),
2007, No 3, σ. 12-15
στην ψυχιατρική:
το δικαίωμα
στη ζωή;,
στο: Τετράδια
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(2019), Σεπτέμβριος-Δεκέμβριος
στο: Tetradia Psychiatrikis, 2007, No 97, σ. 27-35
Λέμαν, Πέτερ:
Χρήστες και
της ψυχιατρικής
στο διεθνές
Ένας απολογισμός,
στο: Κοινωνία
και Ψυχική
Υγεία (Society & Mental
Health Θεσσαλονίκη),
2009, No 10, σ. 81-90
Πέτερ: Η επιστροφή
του ηλεκτροσόκ,
Thessaloniki: Edition Nissides 2022
Πέτερ: Ουσιαστικά
Μέτρα για
την Πολιτική
και Κοινωνική
Ένταξη των
και Επιζώντων
της Ψυχιατρικής,
και Ψυχική
(Society & Mental Health Θεσσαλονίκη),
2008, No 6, σ. 78-83
Peter: Review of "Doctors of deception What they
don't want you to know about shock treatment" by Linda
Andre (in Greek language), in Advocacy Update
The latest in activism and community news from ENUSP (Greek
edition), Vol. 1 (2010), No. 1, pp. 19-20
Trotha, Thilo: Περί του
της βίωσης
μιας ψύχωσης,
ή: τι δεν με
όταν τρελαίνομαι
Peter: Prospettive per gli (Ex-) Utenti e Sopravvissuti ai Servizi
Psichiatrici (pubblicato in inglese in Themes from Finland,
Peter: Ricaduta nella vita (pubblicato in: Peter
Lehmann (ed.): Coming off Psychiatric Drugs (2004);
Peter: Suicidio indotto dai trattamenti. La suicidalità
come effetto potenziale dei farmaci psichiatrici Uno
studio scientificamente documentato presentato sulla rivista
ufficiale ENUSP, l'ENUSP è l'associazione degli (ex-)
Utenti e Sopravvissuti alla psichiatria europei. (puoi vedere
direttamente cliccando qui in versione testo inglese a fianco
o all'interno del sito) (1 sett 2003)
Erveda: Villa Stöckle Weglaufhaus L'esperienza della
"Casa del fuggitivo" di Berlino. In l'Gazetin
giornale indipendente di cronaca civile, Anno XIX,
N. 10 (ottobre 2008), pag. 7-8
Erveda: Hotel Magnus Stenbock. Un albergo autogestito
progetto di auto-aiuto. In l'Gazetin giornale
indipendente di cronaca civile, Anno XX, N. 10 (ottobre
2009), pag. 12-13
Erveda: La riforma della psichiatria italiana tra mito e realtà,
in considerazione di tre protagonisti principali: Giorgio Antonucci,
Edelweiss Cotti e Franco Basaglia. In Il Cappellaio Matto
The Mad Hatter Associazione di promozione sociale
(3 novembre 2017)
over "Pesterijen en discriminatie in de gezondheidszorg
zoals die worden ervaren door mensen met psychische problemen
in de gezondheidszorg", organized in the framework
of the "'Community Action Programme to Combat Discrimination
in 2001-2006' with support from the European Union"
Actieprogramma over "Pesterijen en discriminatie in de
gezondheidszorg zoals die worden ervaren door mensen met psychische
problemen in de gezondheidszorg" , organized in the framework
of the "'Community Action Programme to Combat Discrimination
in 2001-2006' with support from the European Union": "Geen
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Actieprogramma over "Pesterijen en discriminatie in de
gezondheidszorg zoals die worden ervaren door mensen met psychische
problemen in de gezondheidszorg", organized in the framework
of the "'Community Action Programme to Combat Discrimination
in 2001-2006' with support from the European Union": "Belangrijkste
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gezondheitszorg", part of the back of the anti-discrimination
poster "Geen discriminatie en pesten hier!", 2005
Wilma: Monsters uit het verleden. In Deviant 1999
Peter: Internationale "noncompliance" en humanistische
antipsychiatrie. Speech given on the occasion of the awarding
of an Honorary Doctoral Degree on 28 September 2010 by the School
of Psychology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
In Deviant 2010
Peter: De voors en tegens van psychofarmaca. In Bulletin
van de Clientenbond 1997
Peter: Een merkwaardige quattroloog Cliënten, familieleden,
psychiaters en industrie rond de tafel. In Deviant
Peter / Stöckle, Tina / Wolfgang X: Het Irren-Offensive.
In: Ton Hendrix: Gekte zonder grenzen: Hoe de gekkenbeweging
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pp. 151-156
van Vejle: Hoe we voorstellen om met elkaar om te gaan.
Geaccepteerd door de Algemene Vergaderingen van het Europese
Netwerk van (ex-) Gebruikers en Overlevenden van de Psychiatrie
& Wereldnetwerk
van Users & Survivors van de Psychiatrie, Juli 20, 2004.
In Vejle (Denmark)
- Landesnetzwerk
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz (eds.): Information
sheets on neuroleptics in Polish, Serbo-Croatian, Arabic,
English, French, German, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish,
produced in collaboration with the Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik Andernach,
the Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey, the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster,
Aderhold and Peter Lehmann (2018)
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz (eds.): Information
sheets on neuroleptics in Romanian, Arabic, English,
French, German, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, and
Turkish, produced in collaboration with the Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik
Andernach, the Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey, the Pfalzklinikum
Klingenmünster, Volkmar
Aderhold and Peter Lehmann (2018)
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz (eds.): Information
sheets on neuroleptics in Russian, Arabic, English, French,
German, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, and Turkish,
produced in collaboration with the Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik Andernach,
the Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey, the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster,
Aderhold and Peter Lehmann (2018)
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz (eds.): Information
sheets on neuroleptics in Serbo-Croatian, Arabic, English,
French, German, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish,
produced in collaboration with the Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik Andernach,
the Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey, the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster,
Aderhold and Peter Lehmann (2018)
Lena: "Man måste försöka bli sin egen läkare".
Tvånget och medicineringen inom psykiatrin hindrar patienterna
från att hjälpa sig själva. In Dagens
Nyheter (Stockholm), 4 oktober 1994, p. B 12
Tommy: Att sluta med medicin. In revansch! Riksförbundet
för social och mental hälsa, Argang 23 (2003),
No. 1, pp. 14-15
Lars: Patienten kan skapa egen lag med psykiatriska testamenten.
In revansch! Riksförbundet för social och
mental hälsa, Argang 9 (1989), No. 4, pp. 7-8
Don: En schizofren orosstiftares synpunkter. In revansch!
Riksförbundet för social och mental hälsa,
Argang 14 (1994), No. 1, pp. 9-10
Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit Rheinland-Pfalz (eds.): Information
sheets on neuroleptics in Turkish, Arabic, English, French,
German, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, and Spanish,
produced in collaboration with the Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik Andernach,
the Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey, the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster,
Aderhold and Peter Lehmann (2018)
Peter: Psikotik Deneyimi Olan İnsanlarιn Kendine-Yardιm
Hareketinin Politik Boyutlarι. In: Fatma Zengin Dağιdιr
(ed.): Toplum İ çinde Yaşamak Herkesin
Hakkι: Zihinsel ve Ruhsal Rahatsιzlι ğ
ι Olan Kişiler için Toplum-Temelli Hizmetler
Last modified on February 10, 2025